BRING IT IN is now on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! Subscribers can join us live to ask questions and join in the fun. Subscribe here for the invitation to join!
Today on BRING IT IN, TrueHoop Special Correspondent Adena Jones leads off the show, and then Henry Abbott, David Thorpe, and Jarod Hector spoke with Hawks Head Coach Lloyd Pierce—and special guest Carl Suddler of Emory University.
They talked about voter suppression and the unprecedented move by the Hawks to partner with Fulton County to transform the State Farm Arena into a voter precinct.
MONDAY June 29, 2020 Zachary Binney, on the risk to players and staff of reopening play.
FRIDAY June 26, 2020 Jarod Hector on Vince Carter’s retirement.
WEDNESDAY June 24, 2020 Keith Reed on the day of reckoning for media for its lack of diversity.
MONDAY June 22, 2020 Maria Konnikova on testosterone impacts decision making.
FRIDAY June 19, 2020 Jarod Hector on the NBA snitching hotline and the significance of Juneteenth.
THURSDAY June 18, 2020 Scott Eden, on his story "The Prosecution of Thabo Sefolosha."
WEDNESDAY June 17, 2020 Brandon Grier on what NBA players might achieve from the Black Lives Matter protests.
TUESDAY June 16, 2020 Tom Haberstroh on the optics of reopening the season in an enclosed bubble.
MONDAY June 15, 2020 Christie Aschwanden on the chance of the NBA’s reopening becoming a superspreader event.
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