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Today Henry Abbott and David Thorpe spoke with Carvell Wallace, a New York Times bestselling author, memoirist, and award-winning podcaster who covers race, arts, culture, film and music for a wide variety of news outlets. He co-wrote Andre Iguodala’s memoir The Sixth Man. He joined us on BRING IT IN to discuss emotional preparedness in a time of coronavirus, sharing quinoa with Riz Ahmed, how Andre Iguodala talks about race, and more. Below is the archived video.
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2020: What is the lesson of all this? Prim Siripipat, former ESPN TV personality, host of The Next Chapter on The Athletic.
TUESDAY MARCH 17, 2020: The Hot Hand. The Wall Street Journal’s Ben Cohen on the science of streaks.
WEDNESDAY MARCH 18, 2020: What basketball means to people under stress, with actor, and Henry’s college roommate, Ben Weber.
THURSDAY MARCH 19, 2020: The Victory Machine, with Ethan Sherwood Strauss of the Athletic, who discusses his upcoming book about the Warriors.
FRIDAY MARCH 20, 2020: Good to Go. Science writer Christie Aschwanden has evidence-based advice for athletes trying to keep healthy—in mind and body—during a lockdown.
MONDAY MARCH 23, 2020 David Epstein with insight into hot coronavirus research and Noah Galuten helps the Abbotts make tacos.
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