I gotta say, I pretty strongly disagree with the general consensus that all championships are created equal from the perspective of fans. That might be true for players and teams, but I'd assume that the vast majority of people who follow sports with at least a little bit of dedication do so for reasons that go way beyond just caring if their team wins a title.

We watch sports (and read about them) because they tell us stories and in doing so feed into a fundamental human fascination with stories. Just as in history, or in literature, we are generally more drawn to stories that feature obstacles overcome, challenges surmounted, and great achievement as the end point of an arduous journey. Not every championship gives us this kind of narrative arc, but dismissing those that do seems to be dismissing a big part of why we should care at all about sports.

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Time Lord is a Doctor Who reference btw. Because he is operating in a different timeline from the rest of us like the character due to all his lateness

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