Jerami Grant would look great with the Nuggets who offered him an identical deal to stay. . he did say he went to Detroit bc of his relationship with Troy Weaver and a desire to play for a Black run franchise (you guys discussed a while back). Not sure if he has a Tom Gores Google alert or if some of the news that’s cropped up impacts his thinking but it seems dubious that any ownership group would pass even the most modest purity test (whatever that means - TrueHoopers know not to look to nba owners for moral leadership!!). Loved the driving analogy David, made a ton of sense. Great stuff guys, keep it up!

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The all-star game is a horrible idea. What I don’t understand is why we aren’t getting more detailed information about players’ COVID experiences. We heard Nasir Little’s story. But Westbrook hasn’t spoken on his sickness. Butler just lost 12 pounds in a week. And it’s just like a small curio instead of a reckoning with how we’re treating players’ health and bodies. Where are all the stories about guys missing weeks being horribly ill and struggling to come back? Is there some sort of unspoken order of silence between the NBA, media, and/or players? Is it a tough guy thing? Are players not wanting to rock the boat to keep their paychecks? For something having such a huge effect on the season it seems to be being papered over with innuendo and vagaries, at least to my eyes.

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And agreed about the All-Star game! Totally insane

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I think for the most part players probably don’t want to talk about it. Especially given the long-term health concerns I can’t imagine there’s much incentive for them to illuminate what they’ve gone through at the risk of causing any kind of concern amongst the very limited pool of employers they interact with. probably some tough guy and hesitancy to boat rock sentiment in there too…

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